Ch.2 The Beautiful Remnant of America ~ Part 2


The Beautiful Remnant of America Part II 

So they shall fear the name of the Lord from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun; for he will come like a rushing stream, which the wind of the Lord drives. Isaiah 59:19

Before continuing, please ensure that you have first read Chapter 1 ~ The Olive Press

i ~The “Hidden” Remnant 

“What is a tree without its roots?

Roots expand underground in the darkness - the hidden place, that the tree may stand firmly grounded through the storm. This expansion does not come without faith, time, patience and endurance, and goes entirely un-noticed and un-acclaimed, because it takes place underground. And yet we know that this expansion is essential to the life and health of the tree. 

So it is for the Church in this hour…

“What is a house without its foundations? 

A house built quickly- on sand  - will not stand - but the one who patiently and deliberately builds his foundations on the Rock - and hidden beneath it - will in due time reap the reward if he does not grow faint. For the storms will come and beat upon that house - yet it will stand.

So it is for the Church in this hour - regardless of how things look in the natural.

“Again, what is a tree without its roots? 

Just as in the parable of the sower:

Some (seed) fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root.

Still other seed fell on good soil, where it (over time and in its due time)produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. (Matthew 13:5-8)

As to the question of which plant sprouted first…and which house was built first…both have an obvious answer: But - the more important question is: Which plant…which house…will endure until the end? For it is the one who “endures to the end who will be saved” (Matthew 24:12-13)

Again, what is a tree without its hidden roots?

What is a house without its hidden foundations.”

{Excerpt from “The Beautiful Remnant of America Part I ~ see link #1 in footnotes

“Now I could see that these pillars of Truth had become great lighthouses: As their beams circled throughout the Land, I could suddenly see the Lord’s Remnant - everywhere! It was at this point that I realized: Not one State of this Nation would be abandoned by the Lord. The Light from these lighthouses seemed to offer the Remnant great relief…as they prayed and waited in the darkness….”}

Whatever happens in this nation let the reader remember what has been written here. Because this is  about the United States of America: 

ii ~ Before The Throne of God:

Before the Throne of the Lord came angel after angel, each one carrying what looked like huge bowls of incense mixed with oil. One by one they laid  their bowls down before the Altar of the Lord: I knew these were the prayers of the saints for America. For the Lord would never bring judgment without also pouring forth mercy - not until the very end. They were poured upon the altar and fire erupted. I knew it was time! 

 I knew that each angel and each bowl represented every State in America. One by one they would approach the throne and lay the bowls down, until 50 angels and 50 bowls were before the Lord. It reminded me almost of some kind of military operation, because I would hear words from the angels like 

“Ohio ready” …

“Illinois ready” … 

“Florida ready” … 

“California ready “ … 

“Kansas ready” …

“West Virginia ready” …

“Alaska ready” …  

“New York ready” …


And then I saw another angel - an extra angel - the final angel - approach the Throne and place down his bowl: I wept as I saw what this bowl was…I wept even more as I heard the words that came from this angel: 

“Washington DC ready” 

and I realized that there was a lighthouse and a remnant even there!

As the bowls were placed before the Lord, fire suddenly came down upon the incense inside them, making a great veil - a wall - of what looked like transparent smoke and fire, which shot up before the throne, towering over the angels who stood by. Behold the kindness and severity…the judgment and the mercy that was about to come upon the United States of America.

Then the Lord stretched forth his hand  - and I saw the angels with great order and synchronization, move backwards from the throne and disappear. The next thing I knew, they had encircled themselves -  touching wing to wing - around the United States of America.

Then I was back in the nation again…among the hidden Remnant of the Lord…at the end of the Narrow Way (see previous chapter)  and - just as the angels had said, as they stood before the Throne - a Remnant in every State was ready…truly ready!

iii ~ From out of the Olive Press: the end of the Narrow Way (see the end of the previous chapter)

 As they stepped out - each one prostrating themselves almost on their faces, to get through the “eye of the needle” - they would immediately fall in - to something that looked like the ranks of a mighty army: 

An Army… A FamilyA Body! 

Now I could see them clearly; and I heard the Lord say:

“They are ‘falling in’ to My  Divine Order”

I looked at the multiple generations…sometimes up to 5 generations stood together - the heartbeat of America: teenagers and young adults were holding on to the coat-tails of grandparents…little children were overshadowed by older ones…from out of their mouths came praise: I knew they were being taught the Oracles of God from these older generations. 

Again the Lord showed me…that they were being taught, not the “pursuit of happiness” but the pursuit of the Lord…not to follow the American Dream, but to follow the Way of Jesus Christ.

The Office of the Teacher

{From “The Watchman, the City & the Towers ~ Part 1 ~ see link 2 in footnotes…

Pastors, teachers, parents, grandparents (men and women, old and young) with Bibles spread wide open, teaching the Oracles of God; children in small groups, also were being taught the Word of God. (Seeing these Bibles spread out everywhere, after what I had just experienced, was refreshing to the eye…and a great relief to the heart). I saw “hidden remnants” like this all across the nation - I believe in every State…Every now and then, the sound of the idolatry - the sin - would come very close to the buildings where these Remnants were hidden: And from behind the locked doors and shuttered windows, the adults would motion to the children: “Quiet”. They would fall silent until the “noise of idolatry” had passed by.}

I remembered in “the Watchmen the City and the Towers”, I had seen no office of Teacher within the city itself; I had to separate myself -  put myself outside of the city - to find them.

I was seeing them now!…hidden…separated…within this Remnant…within this Army!

The Teacher of the Word - the only source of Truth - will be pivotal in these last days - those who teach and those willing to be taught.

The “Generals”

“I am tired of hearing about the great men of God. I want to hear about the great God of man.” John Wimber

Therefore, whoever would be used by God - must die to themselves - and do it daily…we must be willing to become nothing - of no name and reputation. I saw  no ‘big names’ in this Army - except One…

There will be no opportunities given to put a name to a face - and put that face on a platform! That time has gone. 

But under the intense pressure of persecution - of the Olive Press - the Church in this Land will finally learn and understand that the Lord uses the weak and foolish things of this world to shame the wise…and those who he will raise up as leaders in the time of the end will be nameless and faceless. 

I saw that many at the forefront of this army were local pastors…people who had served their communities faithfully and humbly for the Glory of His Name, not their own. Many of these had been persecuted…some had been arrested - placed behind bars because of their refusal to compromise. It was these men and women, of great courage and love, that I now saw at the head of this army…But I couldn’t even clearly see these, because they were so shrouded in humility - It was like a veil of glory around them. Non of these “generals” that I could see, had had a big name or ministry on earth - this is not to say that there were not big name preachers among them - but rather, that non stood out to me…in fact NO ONE stood out to me!…Except One! And I knew this was exactly the way it was intended to be - the last thing the American Church needs is yet another idol!


“And they overcame by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony.” Revelation 12:11


“We acknowledge the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob….”

“We acknowledge the God of Genesis ch. 1&2 as being our Lord!”

“We acknowledge His Son the Lord Jesus Christ as supreme!”

“We look to you and you alone to save us against this evil, that is now right at our door…” 

This was the testimony I could now hear loud and clear coming up from the USA - from those coming out of the Olive Press - not only reaching the Throne of God, but echoing all around the earth and the second heaven. And all of a sudden I was aware of the demonic - as if we suddenly had their full attention! 

“Who is on the Lord’s side?” (Exodus 32:26)

I saw more and more of the Remnant Church emerging from the Olive Press and “falling in” before the Face of the Lord…

…I saw the televangelist of before, with the young man in the wheelchair and the remnant from the local church…

…I saw the pastor and apologist - with the “fallen one” from the crash of the great mountain  (see previous chapter) … 

They came up from the “eye of the needle”…They came up transformed! 

They were separate

They were holy

They had become the Light of the world and the Salt of the earth…

And they did not look back!

And I knew! The time for playing “let’s all be friends” with this world was now over: Now the two sides stood facing each other: 

Only when Light is truly separated from darkness will people be able to see darkness for what it truly is…Only then they will be able to choose.

Again I saw: in the United States of America Light and darkness were about to collide head on…and this time I was not afraid…because I had seen this before - and written of it many times (see Volume I & II) I was not afraid because I could see the legions of angels (2Kings 6:16). 

The armies of hell had encircled the nation like a dark mass…but that didn’t matter - because the legions of angels assigned for this hour - the Armies of Heaven that I had seen before the Throne - had also formed a huge circle to encompass both the nation - and the armies of hell! 


Governments rise and fall. But when God views a nation, He does not look first at its government - he looks at His Church. We must press in to Him, and continue to hold steadfast in the Faith…

Because history shows us, great revivals and outpourings of repentance do not come through governments - they come in spite of them! See Acts 8:1-8; 11:19-23

“Washington D.C. ready”…

I saw the White House. People were abandoning all the physical monuments of the nation - letting them go - and tying themselves down to the Foundation: the Word of God. As if to say “you can take the temporal of this nation, but you cannot take its heart - it’s Foundation.”

The One From the White House: 

I saw a strong and decisive individual, fearless, it seemed;  who had chosen…decided - along with so many others - to lay America down and hold fast to the Lord. I saw that many were following him in this decision - one which had not been easy for him to make - a sacrifice, in fact: As I realized this, I heard the words from this song:

“When I lay my Isaac down,

With a broken heart,

But my Father's proud,

On this altar I will see 

It’s not my Isaac God wants - It is me.”

Just like the words of this song: 

It’s not the nation God wants; it’s the people. - “We the People”. We must lay this nation down on the Altar of the Lord. 

I saw a president; who after restless nights of tossing and turning on his bed, will echo words spoken by John Wimbur “Don’t talk to me about great men of God - I don’t want to know: Tell me about this great God of man - the God of the Bible!” I heard this man in the White House say those words.

This man was, is and will be the figure head for the United States of America; this is why he is and will be, so intensely hated by so many: I saw him find and embrace the original foundations laid by the Rev. Robert Hunt - and take his stand upon them. Many around him - and throughout the nation began to follow him.

This “one from the White House” had a trumpet set to his mouth, through which he was now exhorting the people “Stand fast in the Lord!” - Pointing them…leading them; not to the Statue of Liberty, nor the Declaration of Independence…not even to the Constitution: But to the Cross. 

The Trumpet:

There are many different uses and meanings for  trumpets in the Bible:  However, the one that resonated, with regards to the vision of this “one from the White House” was the actual Feast of Trumpets in the book of Numbers ch. 29;  

where the blasting of Trumpets marked the beginning of ten days of CONSECRATION and REPENTANCE before God, (the Days of Awe) in preparation for the Day of Atonement. (See also Joel -ch.2:1)

It was in this fashion that the trumpet was set to the lips of this one in the White House: “Prepare the Way for the Lord…sanctify yourselves…GET ON YOUR KNEES!”

Likewise David, before the Ark of God danced with all his might and TRUMPETS were blown (1Chronicles 15)

The Ark of the Lord was treated with great fear and trembling, because of the Law it contained. It was both the judgment seat (The Law underneath) and the mercy seat (the Blood sprinkled on top). So will be the state of the United States of America at this time: 

As this “trumpet” blasted people became suddenly aware of the Lord - and of their transgressions against Him…and began to humble themselves and repent. I heard : “We must receive his mercy now - lest we face his judgement later…” 

He blew this trumpet loud…and he blew it long: Many, many in Washington D.C. and throughout America were following this “one in the White House” to an Altar of Repentance.

I do not believe America will survive this great shaking unless there is a man at the helm who fears the LordThis is the difference between a revolution (such as with France) and a Reformation; this is the difference between a nation tearing itself apart through civil war - or being healed through REPENTANCE; This is both His will for this nation - and His mercy over it.

The United States of America is a nation that was brought forth for freedom; and will fight; state by state…town by town to keep it. But I do not believe this nation tearing itself apart  (ie a civil war), is the Lord’s will - not this time; 

Therefore, the Lord must - and will - intervene; that we may see reformation, rather than revolution. (And revolution will be inevitable if he does not intervene)

There is no other nation that will be able to survive what America is about to go through - but through this, the other nations of the world will be impacted.

When the trumpet sounds, it will be to prepare the Land for both judgment and mercy. I heard both Psalms 32 & 33 being proclaimed.

Liberty in the hands of the Lord

I thought again about how the people of this nation had used their Liberty: the drive for the pursuit of the wealth and treasure of this world - the capitalist culture: 

And yet there was another side to this culture…one that I had seen at 9/11 - and that I was now seeing again: 

One that has bread within the core of this nation, a people of resilience, drive, tenacity, discipline and courage; and these very facets, the Lord would now use, to bring America through this massive upheaval: Pressed (like olives in a press) but not crushed (like grapes in a wine press) …struck down but not destroyed: America will survive this; where I believe no other nation could. The Lord will use this drive for wealth; “the pursuit of happiness” and turn it around - turn this nation on its head - that it’s people will begin to relentlessly and in the face of great darkness - through their great Liberty, drive to pursue Him! 

I thought about the overturning of Roe versus Wade; and I realized then, that this was a foreshadowing of a much greater overturning: Because:  Before His enemies are able to reverse this ruling and turn it back, the Lord God Almighty will have completely overturned this entire nation.

{We were never supposed to be insulated and stagnant, behind our high fortifications - but we have become so; and in these beginnings of birth pangs, the Lord is sounding a trumpet over the sleeping church - for those with ears to hear: that we would awaken from our slumber, trim our lamps and don our bridle clothes.} Excerpt from Volume II ~ The Mountain of Media Part 1

He will apply pressure to this country - not only for his slumbering church, but for the apostate, the atheist, the Muslim, the Roman Catholic, the secular humanist: That darkness would be exposed and recognized for what it truly is…that people might recognize their need for Jesus Christ.

He will test this nation with a plum line. The only thing that will stand this test will be God’s established order of Genesis 1 & 2  - the Order of the Family.

It wasn’t an adrenaline rush from a conference, a rally or a concert in an arena. It was mothers and fathers doing what came naturally to them - doing what the Lord had created and commissioned us to do from the beginning. Now we were fallen in to the divine Order of the Lord.

I thought again about “the one in the White House…the great crash and fall…and the Godly distribution of wealth that would happen under his watch, so that America could fulfill its destiny and send the TRUE Gospel to the nations of the world (see Link #3)

I knew I was seeing a window of grace for the United States of America; one where the nation shone like “a City on a Hill”…where the rivers of living water flowed freely, up and out from the nation and around the world; under the leadership of a God-fearing president. How long this window will be open for, I do not know: But Americans MUST use it wisely and fully. It will not be there forever.


iv ~ The Army of the Fathers ~ from “A Nation Under God…” (see link #3)

{An army of fathers of the Remnant Church stormed the ranks of the enemy. Over the ramparts, within the enemy ranks, I could see various satanic banners: one of them I could clearly see represented LGBTQ.  Underneath these banners I saw people in chains - many young people, from around 16 -25. A lot of them were teenagers in school and young adults in college. Through the pillar of fire and the legions of angels that had been deployed for this hour, this remnant army ran towards the enemy (1Sam 17:48) and stormed the gates of Hell…

The “pilgrims” I saw at this hour, making the climb, were in some cases, entire families…who had abandoned everything - emptying themselves of the love of this world - to seek and follow Jesus. Among them were many fathers, some once estranged, who had returned to their families at this late hour. They had been pressed like olives - but not crushed - persecuted but NOT abandoned! 

And now their faces were set like flint on Him;} 

v ~ The Army of the Mothers

{From“A Nation Under God…” see link #3

 At their side stood women - wives, mothers, grandmothers…as I looked at them I saw 1Peter 3:1-6 …These handmaidens - these helpmeets, young and old, were completely surrendered under the Lord’s authority…His Hand moved powerfully through their meekness…His Glory was all over their children  and grandchildren - again I heard “they loved not their lives to the death”.}

{From “The Beautiful Remnant of America Part 1 ~ see link #1 

“I saw an army of Mothers; handmaidens: humble and meek – yet fearsome to look upon…”}


I said that I would write more about the “Army of Mothers” in a later volume as it was too much for me to handle at the time:

…That time is now!

I saw the women of the Body of Christ. I had not been able to see them before, because they were hidden in the shadows. Now I could see them! They were standing in formation, in something like a wall, with swords drawn and shields locked together; they were, as if preparing for battle: I saw sparks going upwards…I heard the sound as swords were sharpened on whetstones and wheel grinders…boots were strapped on and shields were locked. “What are they shielding…? I found myself asking. “Who are they protecting?”

I heard the cry of blood…of 60 million unborn babies; and I knew then who they were protecting:

As I looked beyond the wall, I saw - children - scores upon scores of children: both the born - and the unborn! It was then that I saw the hearts of these women - they pulsated with life - they burned like fire! I felt the Lord say “This is the heart of the Mother.” Not all of them were mothers and grandmothers in the natural; they spanned many generations, denominations, races and backgrounds. But they were united. Because they had fallen into Order before the Lord - Biblical order!

And because they were under the Lord’s Biblical order they had no fear, yet they were fearsome to look upon: the more I looked at this army of women - of mothers and grandmothers - the more I trembled…with a holy fear.

I could now see the women begin to march with the men; I saw as though covering pinions that seemed to be overlapping…one over another: As the men were covering the women spiritually as the head…the women were in turn, covering the men with prayer, supplication and thanksgiving.  They marched on the offensive - into the battle: They stepped exactly where the men stepped…sometimes alongside, sometimes slightly behind, but always together. Of one heart and mind.

All I know is that I was seeing the Lord’s creation women…Adam’s help meet for who she really was…and I was trembling! 

What would a mother do to save her children - to protect her children? I saw it…within the church - an army of mothers - not just women - but mothers! It was as if the Lord had lit a spark and suddenly ignited that which he had placed within women from the beginning: a mother’s heart.

They who will lay down their lives for their children…and their children’s children. 

I saw these ARISE - but not the “arising” that the feminists and New Age mystics and apostate churches are crying out for: 

They arose from their faces…

from their knees: 

from the Place where they had been brought low before the Lord

Behold: The Handmaidens of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself! I was trembling …Dear Lord forgive us…forgive me

I wish I could describe what it is that I am seeing for us…the women - almost as if I am looking at a different world…another planet!

We are the protectors - the shield of the next generation - the children. And I saw that some of us would literally lay down our lives in protecting them…

I’m afraid I can offer no apologies…I can only write what I seeThat THIS was the conviction…the burning heart…the place…of this remnant of handmaidens - not promoting this mysterious mystical paganism…that is calling us to “arise”.

We’re called to be the life, the strength, the protection of the Children! This protection doesn’t just stop after the womb; and well we know that millions of unborn babies are not safe, even there! My LORD, MY GOD! How can we take this lightly? 

That part of the Body of Christ that is the MOTHER…that I have only just now seen. And I must write! 

This is why Satan attacked the woman…it wasn’t so much that he was trying to get to the man (although this is part of it) He was trying to get to the Seed - the Child! But as we see from the Scripture, The LORD is already leagues ahead of him (Genesis 3:15)

Ladies, do we need to “arise”? - or do we need to AWAKEN?

An appeal to my sisters…

I speak as a woman - to other women: please hear me out…However far that men may have fallen short in the Church, I fear many of us have fallen further (I speak in general terms here):

Satan is trying, as he did with Eve; to tempt us to “arise”…to hidden knowledge…higher realms of “enlightenment”

…Gnostic beliefs that have crept into the Church unawares - and are now running riot on our media platforms: “Conference after conference, seemingly revolving around our immense value as women (I know because I have had my own ego stroked many times in attending them.) I am not saying the Lord was not in these conferences ~ I know he was! And he allowed in his Grace, a time and a season for this…However, that season will come to an end.

And please 🙏 I am not saying that we don’t have value as women…quite the opposite: As children of God, it was the Lord’s sovereign will and good pleasure to create us female -  for many wonderful works in his Name! But when we go back to Genesis ch2 we see that this great and immense value we have, was always meant to be shared…with men

Just as we are One Body…many parts (read 1Corinthians 12:15-26) - it is the same with male and female: there are things that one can do that the other can’t…there are things that one can do better than the other: BUT one cannot ultimately say to the other “I do not need you” - and especially in the Church: The Lord did not design us that way.

Just as I saw in my vision - The Lord is calling us to arise to our knees as his handmaidens, helpmeets - MOTHERS!

Only when we do this, will we become this: 👇

vi ~ The Army of the Family

{From “A Nation Under God…” link #3

I watched as through the Power and magnitude of the Lord, this galvanized Remnant body literally began to plunder the camp of the enemy: They emptied the jailhouse…they emptied the crackhouse. And I saw many MANY prodigals coming home! It was the Salvation of souls like I had never seen before!

vs. 9 They leap upon the city,

they run upon the walls,

they climb up into the houses,

they enter through the windows like a thief.

I saw these “Fathers” storm the high places: They broke down the satanic altars, smashed the sacred stones and cut down the Asherah poles. Exodus 34:13}
Except now, it wasn’t only Fathers I saw: Now these Fathers had a helpmate…Mothers!
Blessed are those whose strength is in you,

    in whose heart are the highways to Zion. As they go through the Valley of Baca

    they make it a place of springs;

    the early rain also covers it with pools.

They go from strength to strength;

    each one appears before God in Zion.

Psalm 84:5-7

Again, I would like to stress that this wasn’t only biological families ~ this Army went far beyond that; 
For…God settles the lonely in families; He leads the prisoners out to prosperity, but the rebellious dwell in a sun-scorched land.. Psalm 68:6 (BSB)
So it will be for the United States of America at this time…this is what first the Remnant Church, then large parts of the nation, will look like at the end. Again ~ this is where America’s true strength lies…

And again I marveled at this thought:

“What lengths would these women go to, in order to protect their children…and their children’s children?”

In the Heat of the Battle…In the Heart of the Lord…

I heard a sound from the top of the rampart. I saw both men and women…fathers and mothers: they were sounding trumpets…shouting out across the nation, with something that sounded like a war cry…and waving huge banners. What were these banners? As I looked I could see clearly the words from Genesis ch.2  - The Lord’s established order of the Family. 

These banners…these words could now be seen all across the nation, and as they flew…and as the sound of the trumpets blasted, I saw men and women; fathers, mothers, grandparents all across the Land, suddenly begin to mobilize…to fall into place…rallying to these banners; 

More than this, I saw estranged fathers…and estranged mothers, who at the sound of the war cry and the sight of the banner of Genesis 1&2, were compelled under an unparalleled deep and heart-wrenching conviction, to return to their spouses - to their children! I heard a massive repentance…weeping and wailing: What was written on these banners - what they represented - was cutting these estranged spouses to their hearts.(I saw demons connected to adultery…pornography…alcoholism…and more: These, upon attempting to stop this reconciliation between the man and his helpmeet, were immediately struck down and struck hard by angels, who at the Lord’s command, had been watching and overseeing this “awakening” - at every stage; As far as I know, these demons and principalities never arose against these marriages…these families again; 

Why not? Because these families were no longer selling themselves to the American Dream; they were now entirely sold out to Jesus Christ and the work of a disciple: His seal was burned upon the foreheads, hands and hearts of these mothers and fathers, just as a slave would have the seal of his master burned upon him.

And among the biological families I saw:

Ephesians 5:22-28

Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord.

For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior.

Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands.

Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her,

that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word,

so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish.

In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.

These families were literally walking out this scripture: They were living by it and through it - and had now become an unstoppable force.

Again I heard massive repentance!

And again, quietly and calmly from the Lord, I heard: “They are falling in to My Divine Order.”

Angel Armies…

This was the Army…the Family…that I saw emerge from the Great Olive Press at the end of the previous chapter: 
And I saw again the angels assigned to this nation…who had encircled it, touching wing to wing. As the Army of the Family emerged from the Narrow Way and fell into Order before the Face of the Lord, I saw one mighty angel raise his sword - and let out one mighty war cry…it was a noise that again, made my tremble…a cry that I cannot for the life of me, possibly describe
but I will try:

The Celestial Cry of War

As I said, it was such a cry…a sound as I cannot describe and I have never heard before: This was an angelic army that I do not believe has EVER been seen before; not on American soil. This was an angelic army that I believe had been prepared; for one purpose: The Salvation of America…through the Salvation of the Family: I trembled as I saw them…and I wept.

At this celestial war cry, every Principality that had entrenched itself…hidden itself…in the United States of America was suddenly startled…shaken…to its very foundation! Their cloaking devices came right off them…they were as if, shaken out of hiding; and I could suddenly see: 

The Hidden Principalities of America:

I saw names: Baal, Molech, Ishtar,

The goddess Ishtar: Slumbering but not dead;

Ishtar was among other things, the goddess of cultural revolution (feminism) and sexual immorality (or if you will “free (unbiblical) love) The latter was prevalent in Europe during the renaissance - and inherited by the United States of America, from Europe, after the Revolutionary War; taking shape at first, predominantly through the statues and monuments we inherited through this war.

~~~The biggest mistake our forefathers made was to align themselves with these atheistic nations, when alignment with the Lord God should have been enough.~~~

Many have believed that the influence of this goddess was not truly felt until the sexual revolution of the sixties. They are probably correct. But her presence has been here in this Land, quietly and in darkness, laying down roots, from a much earlier period: The period following the Revolutionary War. When we look at our great high places such as the Washington monument, we realize one very shocking thing: We are not only promoting the beliefs and behaviors of the renaissance: We have literally inherited the renaissance…when our inheritance should have been the Lord…

This is what the cry of this angel symbolized; this was the purpose of this angelic army - an army so powerful, that it shook every principality to its core: It was the take down of these gods…and specifically Ishtar: And the Lord will use the very thing that Ishtar has been out to destroy to do itThe Family

As I realized this, I looked again to see this mighty angelic army; but this time when looked, I saw only families: An Army of Families: first the Bible Belt - then the nation. 

- And I saw the Army of the Family rise up and begin to run towards the enemy (1Samuel 17:48)

I knew at the sound of this war cry, that a chapter had been closed…a page had been turned…and this new chapter would be the final one: the chapter that would be written, not from the foundations of secular humanism, but from America’s original foundation of 1607…at Cape Henry…under a simple wooden cross: At the sound of this unearthly war cry, I knew: America was never going back. And it would never be the same again. 

…And again, I saw the westernized nations of the world; Great Britain, France, Germany, Spain, Canada, Australia  - they were praying, watching, waiting: Because as America goes, so the other nations will follow - starting with my own. (see ch. 3 “the unraveling)

~~~I heard this sound - the spectacular cry of war - from the angelic host, deployed for the USA, for this hour…Except that they have not yet been deployed; this hour has not yet come. The Church must first go through the refining process in chapter 1: We must CHOOSE the Olive Press!~~~

“Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and awesome day of the LORD comes. 

And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the land with a decree of utter destruction.” Malachi 4:5-6 ~ 

In its context this Scripture is directed primarily towards Israel (Matthew 17:10-13; Luke 1:16-17): but this is also exactly what I could now see in the United States of America ~ also in preparation for that “great and awesome Day of the LORD”!


{With this, I saw a great persecution break out in retaliation against this move of God. Something came crashing down within the Bible Belt, that I knew represented the established Church. With this crash I saw the blood of martyrs beginning to flow from the Land (John 12:24-26). But as I have already written in Volume I, it didn’t stop this awakening…it only hastened it further: -

Truly this martyrdom (on American soil) seemed to re-awaken God’s Remnant all over again! I saw a righteous anger…a galvanizing of the Saints - especially within the Bible Belt - and specifically among the men...} From: “The Beautiful Remnant of America - Part 1

This Persecution is very necessary: If a plant’s root system is not established underground, how will it be able to stand and withstand the elements on the surface: 

So, the Church will endure persecution, to the point where we are largely and for a time, driven underground. This was the Olive Press of Chapter One.


And I heard the Lord:

“America…My love…

It is time - time to break down…time to let go…time to abandon the substance of this world - and follow Me. For I will overturn and overthrow these high and lofty mountains you have erected in My Name. And I am calling you out from among them…out into the wilderness to worship me: for it is ONLY in the wilderness where you will truly discover who I AM. You say “we see!”: But I say how can you see me when your eyes are so fixated upon “You”?. Even in your sanctuaries of worship, I see this.” Says the Lord. 

Everything in America was falling…the Church establishment was falling: But the banner of Genesis 1&2 stood firm…and families  - and fragments of families - from all across the nation were now rallying to it.

This was no compromise…they gave no quarter - nor did they ask for one. The were every age from late teens to nineties. Not all were parents or grandparents in the natural - but all had been given by the Lord, the burning heart of a parent! This will be one of America’s greatest exports to the nations of the world. (Compare Volume II Appendix 5)

They brought the Light and Life of Christ with them everywhere they went - like a mighty rushing river. (this can be best described in “The Beautiful Remnant of America ” in link #1)

At the same time I was aware of war in the heavens over the Nation - the angelic host waging war, in what I felt to be a truly spectacular battle!

The nation we knew, was falling…breaking down: I couldn’t help thinking about a caterpillar in a chrysalis, where its body tissue breaks down to be recreated, as something unrecognizable from before: The United States of America was literally going through a metamorphosis.

{Beneath the crowd of witnesses, “We the People of The City on a Hill” had gathered as an army. They stood facing outward, with their backs to the place they had once known (Hebrews 11:13-16)

And I saw as if, a scroll being unrolled, that I believe to be the prayer and declaration of the Rev. Robert Hunt (This is America’s true call and destiny)

Then a Voice said “Who will go?” Families - some of these up to five generations - stepped forward. (I was - and still am weeping)

They looked like rivers of gold: They were going out to every nation - every corner of the Earth - and they were going in the power of the Lord: He showed me there will be a special grace upon the American Church to do this - with courage and authority - because of the original covenant at the founding of the nation. As I have written before,  anyone wondering where America is in the end times, need look no further than Matthew 24:14 & Revelation 7:9-17.}

From “We the People of the City on a Hill” ~ link #4

The noise of Genesis ch.2 reverberated…first across the nation - then around the world. So that the Earth itself seemed to shake - to real..! 

What did this look like?

I saw many principalities in numerous parts of the world - being shaken to their foundations at the Sound of The Word - of Genesis 1&2 - which was now being boldly proclaimed by the Church: principalities connected to gender identity confusion…sodomy…the feminization of males and vice versa were now beginning to sway and tremble.

vii ~ The Evangelist:

I had briefly mentioned the Evangelist in the previous chapter…that there would be a time for them…that at the end of this narrow Way, these evangelists would come to the forefront of this army. That time is now - and the time to write about them is now:

Jonah: ch.2 

 “I called out to the LORD, out of my distress,

and he answered me;

out of the belly of Sheol I cried,

and you heard my voice.

3  For you cast me into the deep,

into the heart of the seas,

and the flood surrounded me;

all your waves and your billows

passed over me.

4  Then I said, ‘I am driven away

from your sight;

yet I shall again look

upon your holy temple.’

5  The waters closed in over me to take my life;

the deep surrounded me;

weeds were wrapped about my head

6  at the roots of the mountains.

I went down to the land

whose bars closed upon me forever;

yet you brought up my life from the pit,

O LORD my God.

7  When my life was fainting away,

I remembered the LORD,

and my prayer came to you,

into your holy temple.

8  Those who pay regard to vain idols

forsake their hope of steadfast love.

9  But I with the voice of thanksgiving

will sacrifice to you;

what I have vowed I will pay.

Salvation belongs to the LORD!”

No one understands the danger of the judgment of God like one who has been redeemed from it…no one understands the fire of Judgement like the one who has been plucked from it - this is how many of these Evangelists were now preaching: Like Jonah…like Peter…like Paul, they now walked in a holy fear of the Lord - And just as we see in Jonah ch. 3 and Acts ch, 2, their preaching was bringing people on mass, to repentance  - from the low born to the high…from the pauper to the prince…

Americans want a future; but the Lord showed me, they have yet to understand the process of metamorphosis.

From out of the Mountains… 

I saw a people who had come out from many different “mountains”: adultery and pornography, drugs and alcohol addiction; some had been set free from the imprisonment of gender theory and sexual orientation and identity confusion: They were now going back and breaching the walls of these strongholds: But it was not in their own strength: They were hidden in Christ and surrendered to Him…I saw nothing but the Word “OBEDIENCE” above their heads: 

I gazed in wonder at the darkness they were breaching: How are they doing this? How are they able to overcome? Immediately the Lord gave me Revelation 12:10; They overcame by the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of their Testimony: So broken had their lives become that ALL they had…ALL they knew was JESUS Christ. They were no longer moved by the lusts of the flesh because they were dead to themselves…and alive ONLY in Him. And because of this, they were not afraid for their own lives…of what would happen to them: “…because they loved not their lives unto the death!”

They were in the World - but NO LONGER OF IT. They feared the Lord more than any man.

“And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” Matthew 10:28

This is how we overcome. 

And also:

Luke 7

41 “A certain moneylender had two debtors. One owed five hundred denarii, and the other fifty. 

42 When they could not pay, he cancelled the debt of both. Now which of them will love him more?” 

43 Simon answered, “The one, I suppose, for whom he cancelled the larger debt.”

Because the one who has been forgiven much, loves much (Read Luke 7:36-50)

This was the source of Peter’s extraordinary walk with the Lord…this was the source of Paul’s equally remarkable walk with the Lord: They had painfully understood the terror of the fire, from out of which like burning branches they had been plucked. This will also be the conviction of the Remnant of America in these times…of the “Evangelism” arm of the “five-fold ministry” - and through this conviction, like Paul and Peter, their walk with the Lord will be extraordinary! 

(See also “The Keys” ~ link #5)


iix ~ The Remnant on the Rock

“And I will lead the blind in a way that they do not know, in paths that they have not known I will guide them. I will turn the darkness before them into light, the rough places into level ground. These are the things I do, and I do not forsake them.” Isaiah 42:16

There will come a point in time when the Church will have to cease walking the road we know - and step over - into a path - a Way - that is unknown…unfamiliar to us. 

Such was the state of the nation at this point that many I knew (News reporters) began to see the Light that was emanating from the Remnant on the Rock, and stepped over to join them. This was a path - a gate that was as narrow as I have ever seen- but that was open to ALL. Republican, Democratic, independent. Again I saw  the Gate - that was narrow like the eye of a needle: so much so, that I saw people dropping everything and prostrating themselves, literally on their faces as they came through.

And I thought about Revelation 7:9-17. Was I seeing the beginnings of this? Just as I was thinking this, I heard another noise, like a solid piece of fabric being torn in half. The Lord began to separate His Church - His Bride - from the world. It was a smooth continuous tearing, at times painful to watch: A tearing - or  another word I could use would be “unraveling” (this will be covered more  chapter 3). This tearing/unraveling did not stop - I knew now that it would not stop until the very end (Revelation 7:9-17) The Lord was wasting no time now. I saw His people: We were now cleaving to Him - and through Him were cleaving to one another (John 17:22)…and people were jumping across the Line - the chasm - to the LORD’s side. (Exodus 32:25-26)

Looking Outward:

I now looked across the Atlantic Ocean, at a group of people on the other side, on the pinnacle of a high mountain:  They were gazing intently in the direction of the USA, through what looked to me like extremely powerful telescopes; they were as if looking for something…waiting for something. I continued straining across the miles of ocean to see these people - and here is where I realized who they were - and where:

These were the watchmen & woman of the Lord…in the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland. (Again, I will cover this more in ch.3 - The Unraveling)

To my friends in the USA ~ So much hinges on this: 

families being restored: fathers, mothers, husbands, wives, sons, daughters…

people saved from suicide…from death…from Hell. 

So much hinges on America letting go of what she has…letting the present system - even the Constitution - crumble and fall, so she can find her footing on a different, older and more solid Foundation: one that was laid by the Hand of the Lord Himself… so America can overflow her banks and, like a tsunami wave, go forth to spread the Gospel to the peoples of the world like never before…

 “We do hereby dedicate this Land, and ourselves, to reach the People within these shores with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to raise up Godly generations after us, and with these generations take the Kingdom of God to all the earth.

The Rev. Robert Hunt, from Cape Henry, Virginia, in the year 1607, dedicates the Land destined to become the United States of America, to the Lord

“And you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” (John8:32): 

Light (truth) will be separated from darkness. But before this can happen the Light must first be brought into the darkness. I saw this separation happening not before the awakening but in the midst of it…while the Church was on the advance. In other words this awakening was happening, not after the glory of the Lord was manifest, but before; in a time of great darkness. The Church must find courage to stand against the darkness…to run towards the darkness…to endure in the midst of the darkness…for a season.

“And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.” 1Peter 5:10 

A. h. W.


Link #1

Link #2

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