
Ch.11 The Aftermath if the Great Fall , Part III

  Another Mountain   I saw that the idolatry wasn’t only towards the “ministers” on the Mountain of Media - for I saw actors, performers, entertainers, TV and internet personalities - from “Christian” TV shows… “Christian movies” - how deeply and dangerously the Body of Christ had been seduced almost into a false utopia through the Mountain of Arts and “ Entertainment ”- which had also now fallen with a crash! {The Lord will thoroughly purge by fire, this  Mountain of  Media  that is being built in His House  -  and in doing so, He will sift and bring down  all   seven   mountains : Because they are in reality, one and the same! See The Great American Dream Machine Part II}  And again I thought about a house of cards:  where “all that is needed is for just one card to be knocked slightly or misplaced - and the entire house comes down. And so it was with the destruction of these pyramids - the downfall of those “ministers”, would begin with the downfall of just one…” see Ch.1 ***  The G